Global Ambassador Program



Requirements for the T&E Global Ambassador position:

  1. Knowledge of Spanish language.
  2. Proactive and social skills.
  3. Interest in the people and culture of Spain.
  4. Motivated and committed for a minimum of 2 semesters.
  5. Social media user.
  6. The student must inform Travel and Education of his/her interest in becoming a Global Ambassador and complete the application form.
  7. Application will be emailed upon request.


Appointment procedure to be followed:

1. The Travel and Education Philadelphia Office will review applications and be responsible for deciding on the appointment of the T&E Global Ambassador, taking into consideration whether or not the candidate is suitable for the position.
2. Only one (1) Global Ambassador will be appointed to each college or university.
3. The Travel and Education Philadelphia Office will confirm appointment of the Global Ambassador with an official welcome letter to the program.
4. Spanish is the second most spoken language in international communication and business.
5. Bilingualism is among the top skills employers search for when hiring.
6. The Cross Cultural Programs Specialist will coordinate the program and will provide support and advice to the Global Ambassadors, be available for all inquiries, follow-ups, requests and periodical reports.
7.  The Global Ambassador will receive a Welcome Package with a sample of promotional materials available to the student for his/her promotional activities.
8. The Global Ambassador can request more promotional materials at any time. Distribution is dependent on material availability.
9. For special requests, available allowances, or reimbursement for purchases, the
student should contact the Cross Cultural Programs Specialist and:
Compile a list of needs as accurately as possible
Justify the importance of the materials requested
After approval, students are required to send pictures or videos that demonstrate the effective use of the materials.

Assignments and Activities

Global Ambassadors will be responsible for promoting Travel and Education as a study abroad provider to university students. Students are encouraged to collaborate with the Study Abroad Office on their campus as
well as professors in the promotion of T&E at their institution.

1 Minimum Assignments

Each Global Ambassador will be required to complete the following three (3) Minimum Assignments at least once during each semester and report on them to the Cross Cultural Programs Specialist before the predetermined deadlines indicated in Section 4.
Failure to complete one or more of the Minimum Assignments will result in the dismissal of the Global Ambassador.
Minimum Assignments:

1. Travel and Education Social Networks
The Global Ambassador will be responsible for:
• Creating a new profile/page in a well-known social network (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) The site will focus on the promotion of Travel and Education study abroad programs. There are two options for naming this page; Global Ambassador’s
name + “Global Ambassador” or “Global Ambassador” at + the name of his/her university. The final name will be reviewed and approved by the Cross Cultural Programs Specialist prior to activation.
• Keep the page active and updated. Share content on page such as photos and event information. Connect with other students and gain followers for the new page. Provide information about Travel and Education and help find basic resources to those interested in studying T&E.
• The Report of Activities should include the number of new students added to
the page as a result of the Global Ambassador’s social activity, and the number of updates (posts, tweets, etc.) made during the predetermined period of time.
2. Update the T&E Online Directory
• The Global Ambassador must conduct research on local educational institutions by gathering information on their study abroad programs and contact information at each institution.
• The information should be added directly to the Cross Cultural Programs Specialist to be added to the Online Directory.
3. Participation in Study Abroad Fairs and international Education Events
• It is very common that colleges and universities organize fairs and events related to studying abroad. The Global Ambassador must take part in such events at least once a semester.
• This assignment could be a student fair, an exhibit, seminars, etc.
• The Cross Cultural Programs Specialist will provide necessary materials and offset the costs of participation after submission and evaluation of a previous proposed expenditure.
• The Global Ambassador must describe these events in the Report of Activities and must submit photos or video evidence of participation and attendance.

2 Promotional Activities
In addition to the minimum activities, the Global Ambassadors must complete one (1) additional promotional activity each semester.
• The goal of these activities is to promote Travel and Education as a study abroad provider. As will be described in Section 5, all these activities will be rated according to total number of events completed, the quality of its content, total number of attendees, how often the events are organized, and how many student leads it yields.
• It is a requirement that graphic evidence is to be provided for each activity, such as photos, videos, social network postings, and reliable proof of the number of attendees.

Possible promotional activities:
Information Table
Place a booth or table in a high traffic area of campus and speak to all those passing by. Have materials available to hand out (flyers, pens).
Classroom presentations
Coordinate with professors of Spanish classes in order to present to their classes for a 10 minute block before or after class.
Information Session
Organize a presentation that is open to anyone on campus in which you can promote T&S and tell about your experiences abroad with T&E.
Spanish Film
Show a Spanish film in a common space on campus. Have a discussion after the movie with attendees.
Tapas or Spanish Dinner
Host a Spanish meal with traditional Spanish foods.
The Global Ambassador is encouraged to be creative and come up with activities other than those given here.

3 Global Ambassador Referral
Those students who choose not to renew appointment the following year can propose a new candidate for the Global Ambassador position at their college or university which will ensure the continuation of the program in the institution.

Report of Activities

The Global Ambassador will submit periodical Reports of Activities.
•It is preferred that these be submitted following the completion of an activity but will be accepted until the end of each semester.
•Each report must include all graphic evidence to prove participation in the event. Failure to submit the Report of Activities on time may involve the removal of the Global Ambassador.
• The Report of Activities form will be emailed after appointment.
• All Global Ambassadors should contact the Cross Cultural Programs Specialist with any concerns or problems encountered during the semesters. Do not wait until the deadlines. The Cross Cultural Programs specialist is there to help you.
Deadlines for report submission:
Spring May 5, 2017
Fall December 1, 2017

Scoring System

GA Points:
•The Global Ambassador Ranking will be determined through a scoring system based on a measure of performance in the Minimum and Additional Activities.
•Global Ambassadors will be awarded up to 30 GA Points per activity. These activities will be rated by the Cross Cultural Programs Specialist. Points are awarded based on the following criteria:
1. Content and creativity of the activity
2. Frequency of the activity
3. Attendance to the activity

Award and Recognition

Travel and Education Global Ambassador of the Year Award
• This award recognizes the work done by the top ranked Global Ambassador
• Global Ambassador of the Year will also win a week-long trip to Salamanca, Spain where they can choose to take classes, intern, or vacation.
All Global Ambassadors will receive a certificate to demonstrate their participation in the program. This can be added to their resumes.

Summer Internship

All Global Ambassadors that successfully complete two (2) semesters in the position will be eligible to apply for a summer internship in Salamanca, Spain. In the summer following their second completed semester as a Global Ambassador, the selected student will join our staff during the month of June in Travel and Education’s Salamanca, Spain Office.

Want to apply?

Apply Now